Pride of Gujarat - ગુજરાતનું ગૌરવ

There are many unique things about Gujarat for which Gujaratis are proud of. To name a few,

Sasan Gir's Asiatic Lion - સાસણ ગીરના એશિયાટીક સિંહ
Gujarat's Sasan Gir (near Junagadh in Saurashtra) is the sole home of the Asiatic Lions and is considered to be one of the most important protected areas in Asia due to its supported species. The April 2010 census recorded the lion-count in Gir at 411.

The count of 2,375 distinct fauna species of Gir includes about 38 species of mammals, around 300 species of birds, 37 species of reptiles and more than 2,000 species of insects. The carnivores group mainly comprises Asiatic lion, Indian Leopards, Sloth bears, Indian Cobras, Jungle cats, Striped Hyenas, Golden Jackals,Indian Mongoose, Indian Plam Civets and Ratels.
Every year thousands of tourists visit Sasan Gir to see the Lions. You can also watch on Youtube to get a glimpse!

Gujarat's Nine Day Dance Festival Navratri - નવરાત્રી ગરબા

Gujarat is well-known for Nine Day dance festival Navratri. Traditional dance known as “Garaba” is performed by millions of Gujaratis every night of the nine days festival. It is a unique kind of festival in the world. Now Gujarati Garaba are famous all over the world and this festival is celebrated with Garaba almost at every place of the globe wherever there are some Gujaratis.

Gujarat's Long Sea Coast - ગુજરાતનો લાંબો સમુદ્ર કાંઠો

Gujarat's coastline is stretching over 1300-1600 kilometers (about 1000 miles) along the Arabian Sea. Gujarat has the longest coastline among Indian states. Gujarat is connected to the other parts of the world through sea trade since hundreds of years. Gujaratis have reached to African countries for trades at times when only few had dared to go there. In ancient time, Khambhat (Cambay), Bharuch and Surat were busy ports with trading activities. In the present time, Kandala and Mundra are active ports.

Sun Temple of Modhera - મોઢેરાનું સુર્યમંદિર

The Sun Temple is a temple dedicated to the Hindu Sun-God, Surya. It was built in 1026 AD by King Bhimdev of the Solanki dynasty. This temple depicts the essence of ancient times. The sculptures and architecture present in this temple are still magnificent after all these years. In the present times, prayers are not offered in this temple. This temple is now under the supervision of Archaeological Survey of India. The temple is positioned in such a manner that at the equinoxes the rising sun strikes the images in the sanctuary. You can see its glimpses on Youtube.

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